Welcome to our blog...

Welcome to our blog... The Madison Area (of Wisconsin) Spinal Cord Blog. Our main site is: www.SCI-Madison.org

We welcome persons of all disabilities to our meetings. Most of us have mobility impairments, spinal cord injury, illness or paralysis. Many of us are family members and caregivers. We encourage online membership and blogging to anyone interested in the events and topics including and not limited to caregivers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, students, family, ...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Survey! Please take!

Madison Spinal Cord Injury Group Member, 

Danielle, Kimberly and I are sending out the survey we put together for the Group one last time. Eight members have completed the survey and we are hoping for a little more participation. Not only will you be helping us as physical therapy students who spent a lot of time putting this survey together, but it will greatly benefit the Group. Please, take a couple of minutes and complete the survey before the end of January if you haven't done so already. 
Thank you. 
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JWHLB6B (survey is closed now)

Kimberly, Danielle and Kyle 

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