Welcome to our blog...

Welcome to our blog... The Madison Area (of Wisconsin) Spinal Cord Blog. Our main site is: www.SCI-Madison.org

We welcome persons of all disabilities to our meetings. Most of us have mobility impairments, spinal cord injury, illness or paralysis. Many of us are family members and caregivers. We encourage online membership and blogging to anyone interested in the events and topics including and not limited to caregivers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, students, family, ...

Reviews - Movie and Restaurants

We enjoy going to a variety of movies and restaurants together. Our group's movie reviewer, Mr. Mark Laufenberg, has added his humor to the reviews and we hope you enjoy the reviews!


Monica with www.SCI-Madison.org said...

This is where you can add your comments to the review if you would like.

Monica with www.SCI-Madison.org said...

I think it would be great to review how accessible restaurants are. We can rate everything from push buttons to parking, the ability to get around, how friendly, can you use the restroom independently, and can you get transportation there? Any other ideas?

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of restaurant reviews. I have to admit I rarely check out bathrooms but I can start. We're still new to the area and being on the north side, Westport actually, transportation can be a problem to 2 places we roll/walk to--The Mariner's Inn and the Nau-ti-gal. Friendly and the staff will go out of their way to make sure you're comfortable without fawning. Maybe we should have a rating for expense also?